The TGP Team


The Grahamstown Project’s Online Shop is a platform for the people of Grahamstown to sell high-quality products to people all over the world who are connected to Grahamstown and care about Grahamstown.

View the TGP Team videos below or support our team by visiting the shop.

Mbulelo Lukwe

Coach, Sewing Skills Studio

Ilene Makwetu

Trainee, Sewing Skills Studio

Sinazo Snoti

Trainee, Sewing Skills Studio

Zintombi Zabo

Trainee, Sewing Skills Studio

Nobesuthu Nkontsa

Trade Skills Entrepreneur and Sewing Skills Coach

Zusiphe Mbiza

Trainee, Sewing Skills Studio

Claude Baines

Coach, Woodworking Skills

Zimasile Tyupu

Trainee, Woodworking

Sigqibo Mazungula

Trainee, Woodworking

Melumzi Matiwane

Community Liason Officer

Andrew Wolff

Trade Skills Entreprenuer and Leatherwork coach

Roddy Fox



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Graeme - 083 271 0279