Friday’s Photo with RoddyTheFox

Herding sheep for shearing at Ganora

The western side of the Eastern Cape’s hinterland has the wide open spaces of the Karoo.

Makana Revive at work outside the Cock House

The Cock House is one of Grahamstown’s iconic buildings so I just had to include it with my other Heritage pictures.

Kyle and Diego on Church Square

When you are out taking street scenes one of the nice things can be the encounters you have.

Township Taxi

Some of the pictures I take end up in books, some at exhibitions and others never really see the light of day

Bathurst Street Bakkie

There’s quite a few street scenes in my Grahamstown 1820-2020: A Heritage Photobook.

Township Taxi

Township Taxi

Some of the pictures I take end up in books, some at exhibitions and others never really see the light of day



Something a little different this week – a video!

Lockdown Star Trails

Lockdown Star Trails

After three weeks in Sweden and then lockdown your Friday’s photo makes a return! Being restricted to the house, garden and occasional trips for groceries and medical attention cuts down photo opportunities a good deal.

Giant Yucca

Giant Yucca

The Botanic Gardens have some quite magnificent exotic trees…

January Storm Clouds

January Storm Clouds

We’ve been blessed with some heavy rains and with the rains have come some really impressive cloudscapes…

A Year Ago

A Year Ago

January 2019 saw me out and about taking photos for my Grahamstown 1820-2020 Heritage photo-book…

On Gunfire Hill

On Gunfire Hill

The storm clouds have been developing nicely this week so I have been out to see if I can capture the clouds seething over Gunfire Hill…

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