Roddy Fox Kwandwe & Amakhala Collection


Every week, “Friday’s Photo by RoddyTheFox” is published online by The Grahamstown Project. Roddy is an award-winning photographer. His images have intrigued and delighted our followers and attracted significant attention to Grahamstown. Roddy’s Rhinos is a product of that collaboration. The photographs were all taken in September and October 2020. They’re a celebration of the rhino conservation efforts of all those involved at Kwandwe Private Game Reserve and Amakhala Private Game Reserve. The mission of The Grahamstown Project is to create work opportunities for people and draw money to the city and our impoverished province. The wildlife industry has had an extraordinary impact on the Eastern Cape with two million hectares of commercial agriculture converted to wildlife use since 1994. This inspired action has protected the natural environment and attracted significant foreign exchange to the region. The Covid-19 crisis and restrictions on international visitors poses a great threat to the Eastern Cape economy and, ultimately, our natural environment.

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