From Graeme Holmes

Monday in Grahamstown

The Sunday Times yesterday offers glimmers of hope set amongst episode upon episode of corruption, treachery and deceit.

Day 15

I’ve been nominated by my mate Ross Randall to a 25 push-ups for 25 days challenge to hopefully raise awareness for PTSD

Day 14

I’ve been nominated by my mate Ross Randall to a 25 push-ups for 25 days challenge to hopefully raise awareness for PTSD

Day 12

I’ve been nominated by my mate Ross Randall to a 25 push-ups for 25 days challenge to hopefully raise awareness for PTSD

Day 10

I’ve been nominated by my mate Ross Randall to a 25 push-ups for 25 days challenge to hopefully raise awareness for PTSD

A Year in Grahamstown

A Year in Grahamstown

A year in Grahamstown and loving it more every day. Grahamstown is now “officially” Makhanda following Minister Mthethwa’s pronouncement earlier this week.

Another Interesting Week in Grahamstown

Another Interesting Week in Grahamstown

A video was released by concerned (that’s an understatement) local residents calling on the Eastern Cape Provincial Executive to dissolve the Makana Municipal Council and appoint an administrator until the election of a new Council.

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